Lo-Stakes to Perish (DZNTS)

Lyrics by Arttu Karppanen with the help of ChatGPT. Lyrics are listing the names of over 20 short plays Lo-Stakes Showcase put up during 2024. Thus it seems at times to not make any sense. It’s not trying to be super clever, it’s a love letter to the...

Osa Libre x5 EP

[Verse 1] Ella es la osa, siempre relajada,Cerveza en mano, no le importa nada. Bajo el sol, siempre chill, no estresada, Viviendo el momento, vida despreocupada. La brisa la toca, la piscina llama, Todo en slow mo’, se apaga el drama. [Singer 2] Libre en el viento,...

៙ATP2៚ – I’m Coming! | Love Letters to Bum Bag

Track List 1 JOHN BALAYA – IM COMING2 Bum Bag – To Fix Herpes Do Burpees3 ESSEL – Move4 Bum Bag – Weekend5 Chris Lake – More Baby6 Bum Bag – Hey Grandma I’m Gay7 Marlon Hoffstadt – It’s That Time – FISHER...

៙ATP2៚​​​ – ចំណងមួយ – One Tie

ចំណងមួយ [Verse 1] ខ្ញុំមានសេរីភាពលេងតាមចិត្ត មនុស្សរាប់ពាន់អាចបញ្ឆោតដើររីករាយ មិនចាំបាច់សួរឈ្មោះ មិនចាំបាច់ទាក់ទង ដំណើរទាំងអស់ គ្រាន់តែជាសប្បាយមួយពេល One Tie Verse 1: I roam free, living life as I please, With countless faces in the crowd, I’m at ease. No names, no...